Water quality cannot be determined by a simple test. Taking a specific sample at any given point in time may yield a false or bad result. Contaminant levels can vary from day to day and week to week, making a water report not as conclusive as you might like.
Yes, 99% of the water produced by city water supplies is used for other than drinking water. Is it difficult, if not impossible, for them to supply the quality of water produced from your AlwaysFresh System.
Yes, typically wells are only tested for bacteria when drilled. The benefits of Alwaysfresh will make your water not only taste, smell, and look good, it is also your final barrier of protection.
Yes, a water softener is primarily removing hardness and iron. Basically a water softener is designed to protect the plumbing in your house – not the plumbing in your body.
Use our RC-FL-1000 fluoride reduction cartridge: Call for details.
No, the AlwaysFresh system leaves in these minerals and strips your water of the unpleasant taste/odors, dirt and other contaminants that may be present now – or in the future.
Absorption uses both chemical and physical effects to trap the tiny particles and dissolved molecules to a solid surface. In our system the solid surface is the carbon block.
Lime scale is calcium carbonate. If one keeps the calcium and carbonate from bonding together it reduces it’s scaling ability. The polyphosphates used in our system are similar in shape and enables a phosphate to take the place of a carbonate. This prevents the calcium from adhering to the carbonate and reduces the scaling problem by 80%. Fine filtration (like our system) also reduces the fine particles normally found in lime scale.
The compressed molded carbon block is made up of very fine carbon particles that, once compressed, create a very fine filter (0.5 micron) barrier which the water must travel through to leave the cartridge. This process not only produces fine filtration in size, but also features greater than or equal to 96.7% efficiency at this micron rating.
The Silver Zeolite technology which is blended throughout the carbon is slowly released in small concentrations that provide efficiency and longevity, and is approved for food and water use by the NSF, FDA & the EPA.
The quick change feature makes it as easy as changing a light bulb and thereby eliminates the need for a service call to perform routine maintenance.